Welcome to the Larsen Syndrome Resource Center (LSRC). This site aims to provide support and education about Larsen Syndrome (LS) using all our collective experiences.
Before we get started, there are important policies and disclaimers to address:
This site can be viewed by the public. Every effort will be made to protect privacy to contributors to this website but privacy cannot be guaranteed. No last names will be published unless express permission is granted. Photos will be solicited from users of this site; please do not submit any picture that could embarrass anyone now or in the future. Administrators of the LSRC assume no responsibility for inadvertent errors published on the Larsen Syndrome Resource Center website or any negative outcomes which may occur from any providers listed or treatment/care suggestions referred to on this website. Lastly, opinions expressed in blogs or articles reprinted herein belong solely to the stated author(s) and should not be construed as the opinions of the LSRC authors and/or administrators.
Now let’s get acquainted with each other! To start, here is a photo challenge: What picture do you have of yourself and/or your child that most represents your lives with LS?

“If you only go around once, you might as well enjoy it.” Randy M
Please email your photo submissions with a brief caption to : ellen@larsensyndromeresourcecenter.com
Blog submissions also welcome! If a blog was first published on another website, please be sure to get permission to submit and the name of the site, the link, and the publication date. Also, please be sure to subscribe to LSRC blogs so each new one published will be delivered to your inbox automatically. Sign up form is on the bottom right-hand side of the page in the blog section.
Looking forward to building an informative and dynamic site together! ~Ellen
The administrator of the LSRC wishes to thank Emily Ladau, Kyle Khachadurian, Brad Tuller and Dr. Michael Klein for their assistance designing this website. A special thank you also to Rachel Spall for creating the logo.